2002 Kawasaki EX500-D9 (Ninja 500R)
- Took the MSF with some ARL coworkers in August of 2004, decided I liked riding, and bought this bike about two weeks later from a guy in Georgetown. I paid Paul Zabor $90 to look it over (of "Zabor's" on North Lamar) before I plunked down the cash for the bike.
- Bought a Mityvac 6820 "Brake and Clutch Bleeding Kit" at Harbor Freight for $30... pretty dang cool way to bleed your brakes.
- Brake fluid: Castrol GT LMA DOT 4 (bottle $2.70 at Pep Boys)
Oil Filter: Mobil 1 M1-110 ($10.00 at Autozone) Oil: Shell Rotella T 15W40 (1 gal. $8.00 at Wal-Mart)
Chain Lube: Pennzoil Gearplus 80W90 GL-4/GL-5 (also a Wal-Mart item)
Tires: Michelin Pilot Activ, Front 110/7-17, Rear 130/70/17 (Cycle Gear)

Top to bottom: Sprint ST, CBR600RR, ZX-11, me on the EX500 (everyone happily waving to the guy on the cruiser), the Kawi reading for camping at Harvest Classic 2007.
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